Wellness Toolbox
Research has shown that when we experience negative emotions such as anxiety or depression it can impact our immune system and increase the possibility of falling ill. When we are emotionally strong we can become more resilient and prepared to respond in a positive way to life’s inevitable changes, losses and disappointments.
Take simple, small steps everyday to develop healthy habits and make healthy choices:
- Be heart healthy — keep an eye on your cholesterol levels and blood pressure
- Exercise to maintain flexibility, endurance and bone health
- Be aware of your food choices — what you eat does affect how you feel
- Get enough sleep
See more wellness tips >
Learn strategies for reducing stress >
Local Resources
Live Well Ventura County
Faith-based Organizations
Many offer mental wellness support including this VCBH service provider:
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Santa Paula
Esperanza Project
(805) 276-7671